Posted by: kiddielink | November 26, 2009

CrossOver Chromium (Google Chrome) for Windows and now in Ubuntu

In my experience in Windows, I think the fastest web browser is the Google Chrome. It is just a simple yet powerful browser which you can rely on. It is one of my favorites. To name them, they are: Mozilla Firefox,  Opera, and of course the Google Chrome.

Even Microsoft’s IE had improve (that’s what I feel…), my three favorites are always competitive no matter what happens. These three are always free and can run on different OS.

I have now a multiboot system, with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.04 back to back. And of course, every OS has my favorite web browsers.

Google Chrome, Chromium or CrossOver  Chromium is the name given for Google Chrome for Windows, Mac and Linux distros.

To download Google Chrome for Windows go here.


For Ubuntu, open you terminal at Applications>Accessories>Terminal   and paste the following:


Now you have downloaded the .deb Package. To instlall:

sudo dpkg -i cxchromium_0.9.0-1_i386.deb


Anfd you are now ready to use the fastest web browser on Earth!

Posted by: kiddielink | November 4, 2009

Kiddie’s Entry

The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident.

That’s where we come in; we’re computer professionals. We cause accidents.
—Nathaniel Borenstein
